Xarxes acadèmiques
Entrades recents
- Mares de color verde y cielos anaranjados…
- Excess of mortality in different countries during the covid-19 outbreak
- La pandemia por COVID-19 provoca un exceso de mortalidad del 60%
- Vídeo sobre els estudis de medicina a la UVIC-UCC
- Josep Quer, investigador: “Secuenciar el genoma del coronavirus permite dibujar un mapa para saber cómo atacarlo”
Instruments de laboratori
Una eina útil pels investigadors del sector biomèdic. Biolaboratorio: Un directori internacional de fabricants i distribuïdors de material de laboratori.
Arxiu de l'autor: lagullo
III Jornada de Bioinformàtica i Biologia Computacional
Hu sentim, però aquesta pàgina no està disponible en català.
Publicat dins de Scientific meetings
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Big Data en Salut
Assisteixo a Les jornades Lessons Learned (Big Data en Salut: Futurs reptes de la bioinformàtica per a les empreses del present) com part de la meva activitat actual com Promotor dels Doctorats Industrials del BIB (Bioinformatics Barcelona).
Publicat dins de Scientific meetings
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Un nou taller a la Setmana de la Ciència a la UVic
Aquesta setmana, la setmana de la Ciència a tota Catalunya, estem oferint un nou taller ala UVIC-UCC: Dades genòmiques: construcció d’arbres filogènics ‘in silico’. En el passat, l’estudi de l’evolució es feia comparant les característiques físiques de les diferents espècies … Continua llegint
Publicat dins de Outreach, UVIC-UCC
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Manuscript accepted in the Journal of Neuroimmunology
Our study Molecular dynamics and intracellular signaling of the TNF-R1 with the R92Q mutation has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Neuroimmunology. This work was started at the Centre d’Esclerosi Múltiple de Catalunya (Cemcat) and is a continuation … Continua llegint
Publicat dins de Scientific publications
Etiquetat com a autoimmune disease, molecular dynamics, multiple esclerosis, neurology, PCR, R92Q mutation, structural bioinformatics, TNF receptor
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IV New trends in Computational Chemistry for Industry Applications
Communication sent to the fourth workshop on New Trends of Computational Chemistry for Industry Applications organized by the Catalonian Reference Network on Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (XRQTC), 1-2 October, 2015:
Publicat dins de Scientific meetings
Etiquetat com a ligand docking, molecular dynamics, NO/cGMP-signaling system, protein modeling, soluble guanylate cyclase, structural bioinformatics, YC-1
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4th HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference and the 9th RES Users’ Conference
The Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES), coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), and the High Performace Computing Advisory Council, will held the 4th HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference and the 9th RES Users’Conference on 22nd & 23rd September 2015, in … Continua llegint
Publicat dins de Scientific meetings
Etiquetat com a ligand docking, molecular dynamics, NO/cGMP-signaling system, protein modeling, soluble guanylate cyclase, structural bioinformatics, YC-1
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Gemma Obiol joined us
The student Gemma Obiol (Biotechnology, UVic) will perform an externship in our laboratory. She will work on the project Modulation of guanylate cyclases.
Publicat dins de CBBL
Etiquetat com a ligand docking, molecular dynamics, NO/cGMP-signaling system, protein modeling, soluble guanylate cyclase, structural bioinformatics, YC-1
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7th International Conference on cGMP
Our communication to the 7th International Conference on cGMP received the Poster Award cGMP 2015 and was selected for oral presentation: Agulló L, Buch I, de Terán H, de Fabritis G, Garcia-Dorado D, Villà-Freixa J. Computational exploration of the binding … Continua llegint
Publicat dins de Scientific meetings
Etiquetat com a ligand docking, molecular dynamics, NO/cGMP-signaling system, protein modeling, soluble guanylate cyclase, structural bioinformatics, YC-1
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5th International Workshop on Higher Education
UVic-UCC International Workshop on Higher Education (section: Workshop on Biomedical Data Integration and Modeling in Translational Research), 9-12 June, 2015: Link to this particular section of the International Workshop.
Publicat dins de Scientific meetings
Etiquetat com a ligand docking, molecular dynamics, NO/cGMP-signaling system, protein modeling, soluble guanylate cyclase, structural bioinformatics, YC-1
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Paper published in PlosOne
The study on the effect of stretch-activated channel blocker GsMtx4 (a peptide toxin from Grammostola spatulata spider venom) the on arrhythmias after coronary occlusion has been accepted in PlosOne: Barrabés JA, Inserte J, Agulló L, Rodríguez-Sinovas A, Alburquerque-Béjar JJ, Garcia-Dorado … Continua llegint
Publicat dins de Scientific publications
Etiquetat com a arrhythmias, cardiology, myocardial ischemia, ventricular fibrillation
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