Xarxes acadèmiques
Entrades recents
- Mares de color verde y cielos anaranjados…
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Instruments de laboratori
Una eina útil pels investigadors del sector biomèdic. Biolaboratorio: Un directori internacional de fabricants i distribuïdors de material de laboratori.
Arxiu d'etiquetes: machine-learning
Lumière brothers video from 1896 upscaled using a machine learning algorithm
«This famous Lumière brothers video from 1896 was upscaled to 4K 60fps using a machine learning algorithm.» «Notice especially the details of peoples’ faces, the reflection on the side of the train and the backdrop.» https://www.linkedin.com/posts/patrickperlmutter_machinelearning-algorithm-4k-activity-6631107938624897024-E7DX