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Archivo de la categoría: CBBL
Martin Floor, el membre més jove del nostre grup de recerca, rep la beca Horitzó Àsia
L’obtenció d’aquesta beca li permetrà fer una estada de recerca a la seu xinesa de la Universitat de Hong Kong, a la ciutat de Shenzhen amb el professor Dr. Jenn-Kang Hwang, prèviament un membre del grup del recent premi Nobel … Sigue leyendo
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Our lab granted with 1,950,000 computational hours
Our projects BCV-2017-1-0018 and BCV-2017-2-0018 (Influence of the lipidic environment on the immune response against the membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of HIV gp41) have been granted with 1,950,000 computational hours at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center by The Red Española de … Sigue leyendo
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Vuit investigadors vinculats a la UVic-UCC, entre els primers 5.000 científics d’institucions espanyoles amb més citacions a Google Scholar
Dos membres del nostre grup de recerca (The Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics Lab) entre els vuit primers investigadors per número de citacions segons publica avui la UVIC-UCC: «Diversos professors i investigadors de la Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en CBBL, UVIC-UCC
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Our lab granted with 350,000 computational hours
Our project BCV-2016-2-0005 Lipid-dependent binding of neutralizing and nonneutralizing antibodies to the membrane-proximal external region of HIV gp41 has been granted with 350,000 computational hours by The Red Española de Supercomputación (RES).
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Gemma Obiol joined us
The student Gemma Obiol (Biotechnology, UVic) will perform an externship in our laboratory. She will work on the project Modulation of guanylate cyclases.
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Etiquetado ligand docking, molecular dynamics, NO/cGMP-signaling system, protein modeling, soluble guanylate cyclase, structural bioinformatics, YC-1
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Martin Floor in our lab
Martin Floor, a doctoral student of the University of Chile will stay in our lab for several months.
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Project on HIV granted
The project Monoclonal antibodies against the MPER sequence of HIV envelope subunit gp41. Learning from activity data to desing new immunogens of the Cell Virology and Immunology Group (IRSI-Caixa) has been granted by the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Spanish Ministry … Sigue leyendo
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Etiquetado gp41, HIV, HIV envelope, vaccine candidate, virology
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Our lab granted with 1,840,000 computational hours
Our project Modulation of immune receptors function as a novel therapeutic strategy for acute CNS damage (BCV-2014-2-0003 & BCV-2014-3-0007) has been granted with 1,840,000 computational hours at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center by The Red Española de Supercomputación (RES).
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