Muñoz-Juan A, Benseny-Cases N, Guha S, Barba I, Caldwell KA, Caldwell GA, Agulló L, Yuste VJ, Laromaine A, Dalfó E. Caenorhabditis elegans RAC1/ced-10 mutants as a new animal model to study very early stages of Parkinson’s disease. Prog Neurobiol 234:102572 (2024)
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Floor M, Li K, Estévez-Gay M, Agulló L, Muñoz-Torres PM, Hwang JK, Osuna S, Villà-Freixa J. SBMOpenMM: A Builder of Structure-Based Models for OpenMM. J Chem Inf Model 61:3166-3171 (2021)
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Molinos-Albert LM, Bilbao E, Agulló L, Marfil S, García E, Concepción ML, Izquierdo-Useros N, Vilaplana C, Nieto-Garai JA, Contreras FX, Floor M, Cardona PJ, Martinez-Picado J, Clotet B, Villà-Freixa J, Lorizate M, Carrillo J, Blanco J. Proteoliposomal formulations of an HIV-1 gp41-based miniprotein elicit a lipid-dependent immunodominant response overlapping the 2F5 binding motif. Sci Rep 7:40800 (2017)
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Agulló L, Buch I, Gutiérrez-de-Terán H, Garcia-Dorado D, Villà-Freixa J. Computational exploration of the binding mode of heme-dependent stimulators into the active catalytic domain of soluble guanylate cyclase. Proteins 84:1534-48 (2016)
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Porta A, Barrabés JA, Candell-Riera J, Agulló L, Aguadé-Bruix S, de León G, Figueras J, Garcia-Dorado D. Plasma B-type natriuretic peptide levels are poorly related to the occurrence of ischemia or ventricular arrhythmias during symptom-limited exercise in low-risk patients. Arch Med Sci 12:341-8 (2016)
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Agulló L, Malhotra S, Fissolo N, Montalban X, Comabella M. Molecular dynamics and intracellular signaling of the TNF-R1 with the R92Q mutation. J Neuroimmunol 289:12–20 (2015)
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Barrabés JA, Inserte J, Agulló L, Rodríguez-Sinovas A, Alburquerque-Béjar JJ, Garcia-Dorado D. Effects of the Selective Stretch-Activated Channel Blocker GsMtx4 on Stretch-Induced Changes in Refractoriness in Isolated Rat Hearts and on Ventricular Premature Beats and Arrhythmias after Coronary Occlusion in Swine. PLoS One 10:e0125753 (2015)
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Inserte J, Hernando V, Ruiz-Meana M, Poncelas-Nozal M, Fernández C, Agulló L, Sartorio C, Vilardosa U, Garcia-Dorado D. Delayed phospholamban phosphorylation in post-conditioned heart favours Ca2+ normalization and contributes to protection. Cardiovasc Res 103:542-53 (2014)
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Comabella M, Caminero AB, Malhotra S, Agulló L, Fernández O, Reverter F, Vandenbroeck K, Rodríguez-Antigüedad A, Matesanz F, Izquierdo G, Urcelay E, López-Larios A, Sánchez A, Otero S, Tintoré M, Montalban X. TNFRSF1A polymorphisms rs1800693 and rs4149584 in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurology 80:2010-6 (2013)
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Barrabés JA, Figueras J, Candell-Riera J, Agulló L, Inserte J, Garcia-Dorado D. Distension of the Ischemic Region Predicts Increased Ventricular Fibrillation Inducibility Following Coronary Occlusion in Swine. Rev Esp Cardiol 66:171-6 (2012)
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Figueras J, Garcia-Dorado D, Agulló L, Cortadellas J, Padilla F, Domingo E, Galard R. Activation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and increased plasma vasoconstrictors in vasospastic and nonvasospastic angina. Can J Cardiol 27:601-5 (2011)
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Inserte J, Barba I, Poncelas-Nozal M, Hernando V, Agulló L, Ruiz-Meana M, Garcia-Dorado D. cGMP/PKG pathway mediates myocardial postconditioning protection in rat hearts by delaying normalization of intracellular acidosis during reperfusion. J Mol Cell Cardiol 50:903-9 (2011)
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Barrabés JA, Inserte J, Agulló L, Alonso A, Mirabet M, Garcia-Dorado D. Microvascular thrombosis: An exciting but elusive therapeutic target in reperfused acute myocardial infarction. Cardiovasc Hematol Disord Drug Targets 10:273-83 (2010)
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Garcia-Dorado D, Agulló L, Sartorio CL, Ruiz-Meana M. Myocardial protection against reperfusion injury: The cGMP pathway. Thromb Haemost 101:635-42 (2009)
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López D, Rodríguez-Sinovas A, Agulló L, Inserte J, Cabestrero A, García-Dorado D. Acidic reoxygenation protects against endothelial dysfunction in rat aortic rings submitted to simulated ischemia. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 295:H2409-16 (2008)
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Barrabés JA, Mirabet M, Agulló L, Figueras J, Pizcueta P, Garcia-Dorado D. Platelet deposition in remote cardiac regions after coronary occlusion. Eur J Clin Invest 37:939-46 (2007)
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Garcia-Dorado D, Rodriguez-Sinovás A, Ruiz-Meana M, Inserte J, Agulló L, Cabestrero A. The end-effectors of preconditioning protection against myocardial cell death secondary to ischemia-reperfusion. Cardiovasc Res 70:274-285 (2006)
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Barrabés JA, Garcia-Dorado D, Agulló L, Rodriguez-Sinovás A, Padilla F, Trobo L, Soler-Soler J. Intracoronary infusion of Gd3+ into the ischemic region does not suppress phase Ib ventricular arrhythmias after coronary occlusion in swine. Am J Physiol 290:H2344-2350 (2006)
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Agulló L, Garcia-Dorado D, Escalona N, Ruiz-Meana M, Mirabet M, Inserte J, Soler-Soler J. Membrane association of nitric oxide-sensitive guanylyl cyclase in cardiomyocytes. Cardiovasc Res 68:65-74 (2005)
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Barrabés JA, Garcia-Dorado D, Mirabet M, Inserte J, Agulló L, Soriano B, Massaguer A, Padilla F, Lidón RM, Soler-Soler J. Antagonism of selectin function attenuates microvascular platelet deposition and platelet-mediated myocardial injury after transient ischemia. J Am Coll Cardiol 45:293-299 (2005)
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Inserte J, Garcia-Dorado D, Ruiz-Meana M, Agulló L, Pina P, Soler-Soler J. Ischemic preconditioning attenuates calpain-mediated degradation of structural proteins through a protein kinase A-dependent mechanism. Cardiovasc Res 64:105-114 (2004)
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Inserte J, Perelló A, Agulló L, Ruiz-Meana M, Schlüter KD, Escalona N, Graupera M, Bosch J, Garcia-Dorado D. Left ventricular hypertrophy in rats with biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology 38: 589-598 (2003)
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Ruiz-Meana M, Garcia-Dorado D, Pina P, Inserte J, Agulló L, Soler-Soler J. Cariporide preserves mitochondrial proton gradient and delays ATP depletion in cardiomyocytes during ischemic conditions. Am J Physiol 285: H999-1006 (2003)
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Rodriguez-Sinovás A, Garcia-Dorado D, Padilla F, Inserte J, Barrabés JA, Ruiz-Meana M, Agulló L, Soler-Soler J. Pre-treatment with the Na+/H+ exchange inhibitor cariporide delays cell-to-cell electrical uncoupling during myocardial ischemia. Cardiovasc Res 58: 109-117 (2003)
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Agulló L, Garcia-Dorado D, Escalona N, Ruiz-Meana M, Inserte J, Soler-Soler J. Effect of ischemia on soluble and particulate guanylyl cyclase-mediated cyclic GMP synthesis in cardiomyocytes. Am J Physiol 284: H2170-H2176 (2003)
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Barrabés JA, Garcia-Dorado D, Padilla F, Agulló L, Trobo L, Carballo J, Soler-Soler J. Ventricular fibrillation during acute coronary occlusion is related to the dilation of the ischemic region. Basic Res Cardiol 97: 445-451 (2002)
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Agulló L, Garcia-Dorado D, Escalona N, Inserte J, Ruiz-Meana M, Barrabés JA, Mirabet M, Pina P, Soler-Soler J. Hypoxia and acidosis impair cyclic GMP synthesis in microvascular coronary endothelial cells. Am J Physiol 283: H917-H925 (2002)
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Inserte J, Garcia-Dorado D, Ruiz-Meana M, Padilla F, Barrabés JA, Pina P, Agulló L, Piper HM, Soler-Soler J. Effect of inhibition of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger at the time of myocardial reperfusion on hypercontracture and cell death. Cardiovasc Res 55: 739-748 (2002)
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Mirabet M, Garcia-Dorado D, Inserte J, Barrabés JA, Lidón RM, Soriano B, Azevedo M, Padilla F, Agulló L, Ruiz-Meana M, Massaguer A, Pizcueta P, Soler-Soler J. Platelets activated by transient coronary occlusion exacerbate ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat hearts. Am J Physiol 283: H1134-H1141 (2002)
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Padilla F, Garcia-Dorado D, Agulló L, Barrabés JA, Inserte J, Escalona N, Meyer M, Mirabet M, Pina P, Soler-Soler J. Intravenous administration of the natriuretic peptide urodilatin at low doses during coronary reperfusion limits infarct size in anesthetized pigs. Cardiovasc Res 51: 592-600 (2001)
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